TOPAS Time Features
medical physicist
2023. 12. 6. 13:10
TOPAS User guide 에서 발췌
A Time Feature is a set of parameters that ultimately describes the change of a time feature Value. You provide parameters that define the time function, such as a linear change over time. TOPAS automatically creates a Value parameter for this function (a parameter you don’t define). TOPAS continually updates this Value parameter to the appropriate value for a given time.
RepetitionInterval, is the time interval after which the function will reset to the StartValue. If you do not provide this parameter, the function will not reset.
To have TOPAS do several runs at fixed time intervals, specify the start time, end time and number of sequential times, as in:
d:Tf/TimelineStart = 0. s # defaults to zero
d:Tf/TimelineEnd = 10. s # must be larger than TimelineStart
i:Tf/NumberOfSequentialTimes = 100 # defaults to 1
TOPAS will divide the overall time, TimelineEnd - TimelineStart, by NumberOfSequentialTimes and perform runs at each of these intervals.
So, in the example above:
- Run 0 will have Time = 0. s
- Run 1 will have Time = 0.1 s
- …
- Run 99 will have Time = 9.9 s
At each of these intervals, your source will generate your indicated NumberOfHistoriesInRun:
i:So/MySource/NumberOfHistoriesInRun = 10
So, for example, if you have 100 intervals, and NumberOfHistoriesInRun = 10, you will generate a total of 100 x 10 = 1000 histories.
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